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Are You "The Creative Type?"

For a few weeks, I've been on social media talking about a creativity challenge I've been working on. Last week's blog post reveals why I feel strongly about this right now in my life, and why I want you to join me. Because maybe it's a good time for you to challenge yourself too!

We are about to begin and I'm SO EXCITED about diving deeper into our relationship with creativity and–as Brené Brown teaches–learn how it can increase our connection with others. But before we start, I want to explain how this will work!

I have created a free PDF download for you to journal each day of March. This is not a challenge that will ask you to paint a masterpiece each day, though, if that's what you feel like tackling, right on! The focus of March Creative Madness is about understanding our own definition of what it means to be creative. I believe that by focusing on what we already do, we will e x p a n d our capacity to create and share!

We might categorize ourselves now as creative or non-creative, but perhaps a challenge like this will simply make us aware of who we truly are!

Each time we start a section of our challenge, I'll post here on the blog, giving an overview of the upcoming theme. It's broken down into 6 parts, so if you don't catch all of them, it'll still be easy to jump right in!

Be sure to find me on social media where I'll be posting daily videos about the challenge, and use the hashtag #marchcreativemadness so I can watch your journey unfold as you create every day too!

Find me on Instagram at @TheCreativU and @ShellySnowPordea

Find me on Facebook at Shelly Snow Pordea

Share this post with a friend, a neighbor, or a family member, inviting the people with whom you want to deepen your relationships to join in the conversation. Let's see how verifiable research about our creativity can improve our lives through human connection!

If you're ready jump in, be sure to print out the PDF or grab a journal of your own, schedule about 15 minutes a day to focus, and meet me on social March 1st to share your thoughts! Can't wait to get started!!

What do you want to get out of this challenge? I'd love to hear from you!

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